American Revolution



The foundations of American Revolution can be extracted in the U.S political and economic connections amid the Great Britain and protectorates during the past centuries (APUSH Review: Give Me Liberty, Chapter 6). The formal British economic strategies were founded on the hypothesis of mercantilism as postulated in the Trade and Navigation Law as an informal negligent execution of guidelines by the British to permit the imperialists to dodge the law discriminatively. At the same time, constant triumph conflicts with the royal rulers provoked rebelliousness and egotism in the imperial lawmakers that supported an increased British aggravation to primitiveness. Additionally, the battle time’s encounters had backed a mutual disdain with imperialists disapproving the British army’s lack of skills. People aired their discomfort with the military deficiency of discipline and colonial responsibility on the division of the colonies. These long continued views created a setting from the fronts of the circumstances that prompted the American Revolution. In this regard, the paper examines both political and economic foundations of the U.S Upheaval. It will evaluate the critical differences that developed between Britain and its colonies, besides providing insights on how the dependencies came to choose independence.

Foundations of the American Revolution

The punitive tax policies were among the causes of the American Revolution. The colonies at that time felt that their masters; the British, imposed tax policies that were rather retrogressive than progressive (Miller and Kim 92). The colonial principal had spent a lot of money in sustaining its military needs during the French and Indian war. As a result, the imperial treasury was heavily indebted, prompting the British Government to impose taxes on its citizens to raise extra revenue. Colonists who had participated in the war disapproved passing of the 1765 Quartering Act and the 1764 Sugar Bill. The colonists felt that the rules of parliament deprived them of their rights as stipulated in the English constitution. Eventually, a civil society called “The Sons of Liberty “was created to counteract the decision made by the parliament. Besides, people felt that the Parliament enacted the Acts into laws without legislature’s approval. “The Sons of Liberty” pushed their agenda of resisting imposition of taxes in different ways. First, they encouraged the locals in their colonies not to buy English products. Also, they incited merchants against the importation of British commodities. Secondly, they held demonstrations that injured tax collectors.

Besides, the imposition of the Stamp Act which primarily was designed to raise revenues elicited an adverse reaction in the public. The resistance of the Stamp Act was characterized by the docks being blocked, property destruction and threats against its officials (APUSH Review: Give Me Liberty, Chapter 5). Also, ever presence of British troops in Boston and New York was another cause of the American Revolution. The residents were required to provide housing to the forces. Such a decision by the English government led to constant strikes in the streets and court cases.

Lastly, the American Revolution was also founded by the enactment of the Intolerable Act. These laws were after the people’s anger, which was prompted by the reduction in taxes for the British Indian company to import tea at a reduced fee. The Americans in December 16th, 1773 disguised as Indians and destroyed tea at the port that had been imported (Miller and Kim 92). In this regard, the intolerable Act was created as a punitive measure for the Americans due to the destruction of the consignment. The laws were also developed to help Britain restore its influence over its colonies. Additionally, as part of the punitive measures, in 1774 the Williamsburg accords were designed, requiring Virginia to be loyal to the continental congress and halt exportation of tobacco to England up to the time duties on the imported goods could be reversed.

Critical Differences that Developed between Britain and the Colonies

One of the first key differences between Britain and its colonies was based on the unity of the subjects (APUSH Review: Give Me Liberty, Chapter 5). For example, envoys from the seven protectorates convened in Albany to safeguard the loyalty of Iroquois Confederacy. The allegiance of the federation meant the unity of the colonies in the substance of resistance. Benjamin Franklin suggested the Albany plot of collaboration as it offered a congress of representatives’ appearing for the colonies. However, Britain disapproved it since it was not willing to surrender its influence on the local administration to a grand council. 

The next significant difference between British and the colonies was based on the issue of taxes. The individuals of Boston were susceptible and debilitated British customs officers who attempted to gather duties (Miller and Kim 89). Thus, the English government deployed soldiers in Boston to safeguard its officers in what was referred to as the quartered Act. Additionally, in Boston like in other places, there had been hostility amid the colonialists and the British Army. For instance, at one moment, snowballs were thrown by Bostonians to the British troops. In the circumstances, five individuals died while six others were injured. Subsequently, the events raged Bostonians. Led by Samuel Adams, they insisted on the eradication of British soldiers. To thwart a rebellion, the governor ordered the removal of the troops throughout the city. Nonetheless, the news of the killings spread in all the colonies and aroused bitterness all over. Thus, it turned out to be another critical area of difference.

Another contention was the British Indian Company, which was in budgetary anguish in part because of the imperial strike of English tea (Miller and Kim 87). The legislature enacted the Tea Act to salvage the corporation from falling. It allowed the enterprise to import the product to America without waging the present increased taxes in England. Consequently, the corporation was able to sell tea at a reduced price than the imperial importers of English tea. The enactment was intended to damage the American entrepreneurs majoring in tea. In numerous U.S ports, on the contrary, the product was rejected by the colonialist. In this light, tea from England was either locked up in stores or deserted to wither. The dispute on the tea brought from England became the next source of difference between British and its colonies in that the Americans were resisting its importation. Other points of differences between Britain and the colonies were on the point on enactments of laws such as the Intolerable Act.


In outline, the factors that led to the American Revolution accumulatively constituted the urges of the people’s need to choose independence. These factors were oppressive and intolerable, pushing the citizens to struggle for their independence. For example, the Britons worked to ensure that the colonies would not unite. They did it by not representing the legislature through a grand council. Additionally, the cutting down of duties paid by the British Indian company resulted in bitterness among the American entrepreneurs who had invested in tea.